I am very excited about speaking at Microsoft Ignite this year.  This will be my first time speaking at Microsoft’s yearly event focused on IT Professionals and Developers.  I will be doing 2 sessions (1 will be repeated, so I will be speaking 3 times).  You can see my sessions here: https://myignite.microsoft.com/speaker/218167?source=sessiondetail&sessionId=55854


The sessions will focus on DevOps and how you can use Visual Studio Team Services and Azure to help you and your team shorted the cycle time from idea to production.

Automate all things! Microsoft Azure continuous deployment

Automating your deployments to Azure doesn’t have to be so difficult. In this session, learn how to create an automated deployment to Azure using Visual Studio, Visual Studio Team Services, and the Azure Portal. We go from zero to Azure in 20 minutes and you will go back to work on Monday ready to deploy!

Tuesday 10:20-10:40
OCCC West Building Theater – Level 2

Wednesday 10:50-11:10
OCCC South – Expo Theater #9

Monitor your microservices with Application Insights

We live in a new world of microservices and containers. As you architect and plan your deployment, a very important part of your DevOps strategy is to know how you are going to instrument and monitor your services, their replicas and instances, across multiples nodes. This is no easy feat, especially if you want to get granular data from each of your service instances. Learn how you can use Application Insights to monitor your Azure Service Fabric applications, segmented by role to see performance and health information for individual microservices. Use this segmentation to map your calls across all your services as if they were running on separate machines.

Wednesday 12:05-12:25
OCCC South – Expo Theater #1

I hope to see you there.  If you miss my session, you’ll probably find me near the DevOps booth or throughout the conference.  I look forward to meeting you!